Welcome To Science Class

Welcome new students and wondering molecules!! I am pleased to start a new and exciting chapter this school year!

Inside this website you will find helpful information about our Class, Assignments coming up, Test Dates and Resources that can come in handy. So feel free to excavate around!

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” 
― Albert Einstein

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Affordable Books To Read For Class

Books For Our Class

1.) Plate Tectonics: Earth's Shifting Crust by Sean M. Grady 

2.) Volcanoes Inside and Out by Dorothy M. Souza, Deborah and Allan Drew-Brook-Cormack

3.) What Is The Theory of Plate Tectonics? by Crabtree

4.) Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift by John Edwards      
      Barnes and Noble Link

You DO NOT have to buy all of the books I have listed, but I would like to see all of you with one of these books or another book that has to do with our lesson in class. ONLINE AND E-BOOKS ARE ACCEPTABLE AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

Science Project and Fair


Remember that our annual Science Fair is on its way!! The fair will take place in our cafeteria at 5 Pm on February 13th 2015. The entrance fee is 5$, if you are a student showcasing a project, you are admitted for FREE. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. It will be a stellar evening!

Next time we meet, we'll discuss your participation in the fair and your experiment ideas. So START THINKING!!

Mr, Poleo, 7th Grade Earth Science Teacher


Students please remember to take home your field trip forms and have your parents fill them out. Bring them to class the next time we meet completed.

Our trip is November 19th. We will be leaving at 8:30 Am sharp, so please don't be late. Lunch will be provided by the Miami Museum of Science and take some money if you are interested in buy a souvenir.


Please send with your child the field trip fee attached to the field trip form. The fee is 15$

I will be sending more information home in a flyer.

Thank you,
Mr. Poleo, 7th Grade Earth Science Teacher